World War Next - News Driving the Gears of the Next World War

The following global news entries showcase World War Next-related offerings originating from various sources over the last 30 days. Each and every entry represents a potential step towards igniting the next World War.
In response to the West's evergrowing presence and support in Ukraine, Russia has announced plans to hold simulated tactical nuclear weapon drills.
Due to Israel's continued assault on Gaza, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is seeking to expel the nation from its defense and technology pact with the United States.
Former Trump NSA Gen.H.R.McMaster warns of the very real possibility of World War III.
At least 14 Chinese warplanes were detected by Taiwan as having crossed the Taiwan Strait median line.
U.S. has urged global players China and Russia to not rely on A.I. to control its nuclear weapons stashes.
U.S. has accused Russia of using choking agent chloropicrin against Ukrainian forces during its years-long war.
South Korea has expressed interest in joining the American-led AUKUS military alliance forming in the Asia-Pacific Theater with military technology share being its focus.
China has begun sea trials of its third aircraft carrier, Fujian, in a bid to expand its regional and global naval capabilities.
The United States now has on hand some 300 or so F-35 5th Generation fighters available in the Asia-Pacific Theater to enhance response times against Chinese movements.
Chinese sociel media showcases images of U.S. naval base (Norfolk Naval Station) from its radar-imaging satellite.
Naval military representatives from China, Russia, and the United States gathered in separate meetings on the topic of the Western Pacific.
Azerbaijan leadership warns trio against arming neighboring Armenia; willing to respond with measures.
Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan to be recipients of another $95bil promised in sweeping foreign aid by the U.S.
Putin threatened Europe with unspecified retaliation if some $300bil in Russian assets were taken over and used to assist Ukraine.
Let by K.Jong Un, North Korean conducted a nuclear counterattack exercise according to State Media.
With continued support of Ukraine, Russia has warned the U.S. and NATO of a growing direct clash between nuclear-armed forces after the U.S. passes yet another massive Ukraine military support package. Between the U.S. and Russia, the powers hold some 10,600 total nuclear warheads of the 12,100 available globally.
American forces stationed at Ain al-Asad Airbase in Iraq were the target of armed drone strikes that yielded no damage nor injuries, the second such attack in 24 hours.
The Israeli Air Force has launched a series of airstrikes within Iran in retaliation for the Iranian missile/drone attacks days prior.
Argentina has put forth its intent to become a NATO global partner as it continues its shift to the West.
Iranian kamikaze drones and land-attack cruise missiles were launched at targets within Israel as Israeli-Iranian tensions boil over.
Iranian commandos overtook an Israeli-affiliated, Portuguese-flagged cargo vessel in the Straight of Hormuz in an escalation of Middle East tensions.
The Russian Government has warned its citizens against travel to the Middle East amidst growing regional tensions and possible retaliation by Iran on Israel.
The Biden Admin has warned of an impending risk of significant attack against Israel by Iran and/or its affiliates in the region to come as soon as Friday.
Inspection reports reveal that Iran is closer to a nuclear weapon than ever before in its history.
The Ukrainian Govt has passed a conscription law intended to mobilize an additional 500,000 troops for the ongoing war effort.
U.S. Gen.E.Kurilla to meet with Israeli officials in Israel to corrdinate defense against expected Iranian reprisal.
Israeli warplanes struck at targets that led to the deaths of family members of high-profile Hamas leader I.Haniyeh.
Canada appears willing to join the AUKUS security coalition against China - the coalition established by Australia, Britain, and the United States. The Navy service also seeks nuclear submarines for Arctic operations.
Cochin Shipyard Limited has been established as a warship repair and maintenance depot for Indian and allied naval vessels; the site is also set to construct Indias 2nd indigenous aircraft carrier.
U.S. authorities are taking the Chinese military threat over neighboring Taiwan more seriously according to recent reports.
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